Todos temos em nós um potencial infinito de amor, gentileza, criatividade e toda a gama de pensamento e ação humana. No entanto, a maioria de nós nunca aproveita toda a força de nosso próprio potencial. Você já superou seu potencial? Você ainda pode trazer mais de dentro? Tome este questionário inteligente e deixe-nos saber o quanto você potencial aproveitou.
How many hours do you sleep at night usually?
How do you eat chocolate?
By eating one/two squares at a time
Which of these color shades is different to the rest?
Choose one of these condiments:
Click on the photograph you prefer
You have a spare free day, where do wish to spend it?
You receive a big work bonus. What would you do with it?
Have you ever kept a diary?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Do you own a pair of flip flops?
Do you like to travel?
It's fun every couple of years
Not really, I like my routine
How long does it take for you to truly open up to someone?
It could take me a few months
I always express my feelings
I'm not sure I've ever opened up to someone
Can you normally recall your dreams in the morning?
Yes, I remember most of them for a few hours
In the sequence 25 - 24 - 22 - 19 - 15, which number should come next?
As library is to book, book is to ____
Which diagram is the odd one out?
BEYOND Usual Human Potential
JOURNEY to Your Full Potential